Order of Worship for Sunday, November 21: Thanksgiving Service

Call to Worship - You are invited to light a candle in your home to welcome the presence of the Holy Spirit

Passing of the Peace: Through the act of passing the peace of Christ, we offer our sincere desire to love our neighbor.

You are invited to greet one another in the live stream chat on Instagram, YouTube, and Facebook. 


DISCIPLE 2 BIBLE STUDY: Mondays at 5:30 PM via Zoom

November 22: No Class 

November 29: Chapter 24 - Sent as Witnesses 

  • Day 1: Luke 19:28-48 - Palm Sunday 

  • Day 2: Luke 20-21 - Teaching in the Temple 

  • Day 3: Luke 22 - Betrayal, Passover Meal, the Garden, Arrest and Trial 

  • Day 4: Luke 23 - Crucifixion and Burial 

  • Day 5: Luke 24 - Resurrection and Empty Tomb, Emmaus Road, the Great Command

  • Day 6: Study Manual, p. 184-19








Theme: From Thankful to Grateful

 “Thankfulness is the beginning of gratitude. Gratitude is the completion of thankfulness. Thankfulness may consist merely of words. Gratitude is shown in acts.”
—Henri Frederic Amie: German Philosopher and Poet

Matthew 6:25-33

Thanksgiving 2021 resonates deeply with the core message of the first thanksgiving. We who gather have come through a great hardship. There has been loss, and there will be further struggle ahead; but a difficult time in the story of our lives is waning. We who are blessed to gather have received a great gift of life and health. The experience of such a gift is a heart of thanks. To show what is in our hearts, we now act on this feeling of thankfulness with acts of gratitude that express our thanksgiving to God and to all those who have journeyed with us and cared for us.


Prelude                              San Carlos UMC Trio “Come Thou Fount” arranged by Michael Tyree  

Invocation                          Rev. Mark Nakagawa, West District Superintendent

A Thanksgiving Invocation

God eternal; creator and sustainer, we gather to give you thanks.
We give you thanks for the beauty of the earth,
The blessings of your creatures,
The breeze and breath of life.

Christ; redeeming and forgiving One,
Who is always faithful and merciful.
We gather to give you thanks,
For peace calming the chaos of our souls,
For hope restoring our faith.

For renewal, transforming our lives,
Spirit; sustaining, and compassionate One,
Who calls us into relationship with the living God,
We give you thanks,
For caring when our hearts are aching,
For friends supportive in times of need,
For generosity lavish and overflowing.

 Holy One, Three in One
We come with hearts full of gratitude,
For all things good,
We give you thanks for You.

Let us worship!

Special Music                    Christ UMC Honolulu Choir

                                      Rev. Eugene Han, Senior Pastor; Rev. In Kwon Jun, English Ministry Pastor

Witness from the World           Stewardship Message: Monalisa Tu’itahi,

      First Elect Lay General Conference Delegate

Affirmation of Faith            Rev. Dr. Joel Hortiales,

                                        Director of Hispanic/Latino Ministries & Border Concerns, Connectional Ministries

An Inclusive Modern Affirmation of Faith

Where the Spirit of the Lord is,
There is the one true church, apostolic and universal
Whose holy faith let us now declare:

We believe in God the creator of all things,
Infinite in wisdom, power, and love,
Whose mercy is over all we see,
And whose will is ever directed to the good of God’s children.

We believe in Jesus Christ,
Son of God and born in the flesh,
The gift of God’s unfailing grace,
The ground of our hope,
And the promise of our deliverance from sin and death.

We believe in the Holy Spirit
As the divine presence in our lives,
Whereby we are kept in perpetual remembrance
Of the truth of Christ,
And find strength and help in times of need.

We believe that this faith should manifest itself
In the service of love
As set forth in the example of our blessed Lord
To the end
That the kingdom of God may come upon the earth as it is in heaven.  Amen. 

Special Music                       Melida Skeete Smith, Grace UMC Los Angeles

                                               Rev. Victor Cyrus-Franklin, Lead Pastor

Prayer of Confession and Lord’s Prayer        Rev. Gregory Douglass, Native American UMC

O Great and Giving One,
We come before you knowing that we have broken your great community in thought, word, and deed

In the symbol of corn you provided for your people. When strangers came to this land, your people generously provided for them, teaching them of the many gifts that have come from your hands.
They welcomed them and showed them a feast of giving thanks.

Yet, as people walked on in life, those gifts were forgotten, and the people betrayed; turning thanksgiving into mourning.

Forgive us for all the ways we have not loved our relatives, and restore us to walk in ways that show our Thanks for all your gifts. 

As Jesus forgave those who turned from him, forgive us that we may walk your good path, and honor You for your many gifts. Amen.

Witness from the Word                Matthew 6:25-33 and Devotion

                                           Rev. Melissa R. MacKinnon, North District Superintendent & Dean of the Cabinet

Instrumental                         San Carlos UMC Trio “Beach Spring” arranged by Michael Tyree

Prayer of Blessing and Benediction             Bishop Grant J. Hagiya

Virtual Coffee Hour Begins now!
Immediately following worship on Zoom
